Sunday, January 9, 2022

butterflies {january 9, 2022}

The butterfly has one of the most fascinating life cycles of all creatures. Before growing into an adult, it goes through various stages, with each stage having a different goal.

The butterfly starts life as a tiny egg that hatches to form a caterpillar. Once it has hatched, the caterpillar needs to eat plenty of food so it can grow quickly.

As soon as the caterpillar is done growing, it forms itself into a pupa – the resting and changing stage. During this stage, it undergoes remarkable transformation, called ‘metamorphosis,’ to become a colorful and adorable butterfly that’s ready to share its beauty with the world.

We can learn a lot of lessons about our own growth process from the butterfly life cycle. The process of metamorphosis relates in many ways with our own moments of transformation.

For a caterpillar to become a butterfly it must change. Likewise, nothing in our human world is permanent. Some things go and are replaced by new ones. Sometimes we have to let the old go so that the new can come.

Despite the cocoon being the comfort zone of the caterpillar, it has to emerge from this state. Otherwise, we would never have the beautiful butterfly. Similarly, you have to get out of your comfort zone and try new things if you want to move forward.

The butterfly is a great symbol for change, transition, adaptation, and growth.

Think of the life cycle of a butterfly. From a caterpillar into a chrysalis and from that hard, leather-like pouch it transforms into such a beautiful and gentle creature it brings joy and happiness wherever it flies.

Everything in the universe is a form of energy. Every cell in your body is a form of energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but energy can be transformed.

The butterfly is such a perfect and beautiful example of energy transformation. So it can be with the energy blockages in your body - any pain or sickness, injury or illness, any worries or fears. 

This year is a transforming year for me. I will become a mother-in-law for the second time, a grandma for the first time, and will celebrate my 65th birthday. 


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