Friday, October 6, 2023

the friday feed: cherry tomatoes {october 6, 2023}

Oh deer...

I planted three cherry tomato plants and the deer fawned over them. They had a feast and mowed them down to look like a bushy ground cover.

Instead of being overloaded with cherry tomatoes, I've gone out to the tomato patch for the past few days and picked a couple handfuls each day. Nothing overwhelming, just enough to toss in a bowl for nibbling or to put in a salad. (I confess to eating quite a few before they make it into the house, too). 

Next year's garden plans include some fencing and deer repellent. My mom used to put a bar of Irish Spring soap in a cut off pair of panty hose and hang it in her garden. That's supposed to confuse the deer's sense of smell. Marigolds are supposed to deter deer, too, with their strong smell. I like marigolds plus they are the official flower of my city. Double-duty for the marigolds. My neighbor uses a homemade hot pepper spray on her plants. Deer don't like spicy. This is where I miss having a dog. Their bark and scent scares deer away. 

There are lots of suggestions to keep Bambi from gorging on the greenery. It's going to be one of those never-ending battles. Deer are creatures we have to live with, especially since we've encroached on their territory. I can be at peace with with a minimal amount of deer damage. Ideally that's where the buck has to stop. I deerly love my tomatoes.

1 comment:

  1. There is nothing like a tomato still warm from the sun.
