Sunday, October 15, 2023

fractal rain {october 15, 2023}

We went to the Downtown Dayton Library to see a photo exhibit. As you enter the library, a massive mobile graces the center of the library and hangs over the stairway. 

My friend, Terry Welker, is the artist of "Fractal Rain." We met when our boys played high school soccer and he was the Chief Building Inspector for the City of Kettering. He has taught architecture at the university level and has a studio where he creates and also hosts art shows for area artists.

"Making mobiles comes from my passion for architecture, poetic space and meaningful places. Building on the tradition of Alexander Calder, I work to understand and extend the language of mobiles by animating form, space and surface with motion."

Check out the stats for Fractal Rain. It's an impressive project!

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