Wednesday, February 7, 2024

wordy wednesday: be in the present moment

Yoga. A lot of people roll their eyes when they hear I go to yoga 3-4 times a week. Do you get exercise or is all you do is stretch, do you sit cross-legged and meditate, what about OM and namaste? They say yoga is too slow for them. Some classes might be but other classes definitely are not.

Going to a yoga class is an hour where you try to focus on being present. An hour just for you. Sometimes it works, sometimes that do list or other worries creep back into your thoughts.

As you go through the guided practice, the instructor gives you  things to think about. I have a lot on my mind right now and I was thinking about lots of things and just going through the motions in yesterday's class. And then I heard the instructor say, "If you worry about the past, that may lead to depression. If you think about the future, that can cause anxiety. Be in the present moment." It was what I needed to hear. And that's what is amazing about yoga. You go in not knowing what you want, but come out of the class thinking this is exactly what I needed, whether it was words, the sequence of the practice, or just being in that present moment.

From yesterday's gentle class to tomorrow's hot power hour...Namaste!


  1. Most of what we worry about, already has happened, or never will happen.

  2. We should all take advantage of what works to ease our tensions and worries.
