Tuesday, January 23, 2024

thinking spring

Photo: Groovy Plants Ranch

These cold, gray days of winter have me looking forward to spring and looking through garden catalogs. One garden center, the Groovy Plants Ranch just north of Columbus, is tantalizing customers with pre-orders of some colorful flowers. The above is Passion Fruit Lantana and it loves heat, has long-lasting color, and draws pollinators to it.

Below is an African Daisy named Zion Purple Sun. These psychedelic tie-died flowers also brighten the garden and attract pollinators.

These bright colors sure got my attention and I tried but just. couldn't. resist.

PS...Two months until spring! 

"The hum of bees is the voice of the garden." ~ Elizabeth Lawrence

Photo: Groovy Plants Ranch


  1. I remember winter days and seed catalogs.

  2. Those lantana blooms are found all over the Phoenix area, a real testiment to it's love of heat. Love those daisies.
