Tuesday, January 30, 2024

sunshine on a stalk

The sun has been MIA for ten days. The other day while in the check out lane at the grocery store, I noticed the cashier's name tag had Denver on it. She was born in Colorado, lived there for many years, and ten years ago her husband's job brought them to Dayton. As we talked about differences in the landscape, she mentioned that what she missed most was the sunshine. "Yes, it gets cold in Denver but we get a lot of sunshine in the winter. It's so gray here." 

Yes, it is gray this time of year.

I don't complain about the weather because there's nothing I can do to change it. But I can look through hundreds of photos of sunflowers, feel their sunshine, and get a smile from these bright and happy blooms.


  1. Overcast here this morning, it was brought and sunny yesterday afternoon.

  2. Well that made me smile. Indeed, they do celebrate sunshine!
