Thursday, January 25, 2024


My last dog was a big guy: half Great Pyrenees and half mishmash of other breeds. Ted had epilepsy so twice a year we made a trek to Cincinnati to have a visit with his doggy neurologist. One day we had an afternoon appointment and driving back to Dayton the traffic on I-71 was a mess. At the nearest exit I got off the interstate, sort of knew where it would take us, and after winding around on some country roads we came upon this idyllic setting. We were the only ones on this backroad and the opportunity to stop in the middle of the road to take a few photos beckoned. 

Don't be afraid to take the road less traveled. It sure beats bumper-to-bumper traffic and there's always GPS to get you back home. (I didn't need to use it...that time 😁).


  1. Replies
    1. And many times that has made all the difference.

  2. What a fantastic view. Well worth stopping to get the photo. When I take road trips, I often take the less traveled roads. You get the best views that way. Such a beautiful dog.

  3. I enjoy the backroads. Interstate views are essentially the same and the less traveled you get to see all sides of life.
