Wednesday, December 27, 2023

wordy wednesday: the full cold moon {december 27, 2023}

Photo Credit: Colleen Quinell/The Old Farmer's Almanac

The final full moon of 2023 illuminated the sky on Tuesday, December 26.  It's most commonly known as the Cold Moon—a Mohawk name that conveys the frigid conditions of this time of year when cold weather truly begins to grip us. (However, the last few days have been in the 50s. No complaints!).

The Mohican name for the December full moon is the "Long Night Moon,” and it refers to the fact the moon rises on the nights close to the winter solstice, which are the longest nights of the year.

Even though the sky had a thick cloud covering and the full moon wasn't visible, it was still nice to enjoy the quiet of a peaceful winter night.



  1. A great time of the year to sleep late.

  2. I saw that moon last night but I didn't know about the cold moon name.
