Tuesday, December 12, 2023

back home in ohio {december 12, 2023}

From the city that never sleeps back to quiet midwestern suburban life.

Except it wasn't so quiet in the neighborhood. My neighbor has been nursing her huge tree for quite a few years and she made the decision it was time for it to go. For four hours, the tree people trimmed, cut, loaded logs, put branches through the wood chipper, raked, used their leaf blowers, and ground the stump. It was mesmerizing to watch the men climb the trees with their saws and piece by piece watch the giant of the neighborhood fall thud  by thud to the ground.

To add to the day's excitement, the leaf pick up truck went through the 'hood in the afternoon, sucking up the big piles of leaves raked to the street. It's almost hypnotic to watch the trucks slowly hug the curb while the guys swish the vacuum over the leaves.


  1. Welcome home. Trees have a life cycle, I have a few neighbors that think trees should live forever. There is only one on the hill top that was here when Washington had dinner with the Fairfax family.

  2. It's sad to see a big tree come down but sometimes it's safer that way. It must have been pretty noisy in your neighborhood that day.
