Tuesday, December 26, 2023

my people {december 26, 2023}

My gang was here for Christmas! As new family members add to the numbers it sometimes becomes a juggling act to get everyone together. Since 2018, we have alternated between Thanksgiving and Christmas to have all the kids here at the same time and count our blessings that we get to share a few days together. 

Little grandson is 18 months and he was so intrigued by the Christmas tree. A toddler learns by touching so I put unbreakable ornaments at the bottom of the tree. I wanted him to explore and have fun and not hear, "Don't touch," and it brought a smile when  occasionally finding ornaments somewhere else around the house. Watching this little guy look at the tree lights with wonder and awe in his eyes brought a renewed spirit of Christmas delight to all the adults. He ran around saying "HO HO HO," and loved to put his finger in the nutcracker's mouth and then say, "Ouch!" This was his first year where he could really interact with Christmas and he was filled with pure joy and excitement. Needless to say, it was contagious.

Yep, so true. And same for dads.
Wish time would stand still to keep them here just a little bit longer.


  1. What a great looking family. Having them all together must have been pure joy. I think watching kids enjoy Christmas is what it's all about.
