Monday, March 28, 2022

lettuce be happy {march 28, 2022}

I've loved salad ever since I can remember. Maybe it stems from visits at my grandparents' farm, picking fresh lettuce and tomatoes from their garden and then Grandma dressing it with her cream, vinegar, and sugar dressing. 

Fast forward to tonight and lettuce be happy!

Tonight's dinner salad was inspired by the Shaved Cauliflower and Arugula Salad from Wheat Penny Oven and Bar in Dayton, OH.

Ingredients: thinly sliced cauliflower, arugula, lemon zest, lemon juice, olive oil, smoked sea salt, Parmesan cheese, and toasted pine nuts. Easy and delicious.


  1. Looks wonderful, I have this amazing balsamic that I am using.

    1. An aged balsamic vinegar is a little taste of heaven.
