Monday, March 21, 2022

food and faith {march 21, 2022}

After an exasperating jaunt to Walmart (traffic, long checkout lines, parking lot idiots), on my way back to the house I stopped by La Michoacana to get my go-to hot sauce and a couple other items that weren't on my list but "spoke" to me.

Many, many years ago, I was really good at speaking Spanish but my speaking abilities have gone down due to lack of use. I can read and understand better than I can speak and understand. It was so much fun to listen to the Spanish-speaking customers talk with the guys behind the meat counter. They got quite a banter going. Even though I didn't keep up with their words, I got the gist of the conversation. Makes me wish I would have kept up with my Spanish.

As someone who enjoys cooking, being in a cultural grocery store was delightful. I love to see how other people cook. Nopales, chayote, maiz morado, hojas de tamal. Ingredients foreign to my cooking but familiar to others. I know where I'm going to get my garlic from now on. It was so fresh. 

Food brings people together.

Don't see many grocery stores with an alter to the Blessed Virgin Mary and candles lit for prayers. I could light a few candles right now...maybe I'll go back. They sell candles in the store.

1 comment:

  1. The specialty markets are so fun, near me there is a hispanic supermarket, a huge asian (specifically Korean) supermarket, and three of four central European markets.
