Wednesday, September 20, 2023

wordy wednesday...glimmers {september 20, 2023}

This meme has been floating around social media and even though it's on the internet, sometimes you have to question its validity. After a little research, glimmer in this capacity is a valid term. In a nutshell, The term “glimmer” was introduced in the book, The Polyvagal Theory in Therapy: Engaging in the Rhythm of Regulation by  licensed clinical social worker Deb Dana. In February 2022, psychologist Dr. Justine Grosso popularized the term in a TikTok video. 

Triggers and glimmers: Triggers are cues that move the body into those fight-or-flight or freeze states. Glimmers are also cues, but they are cues that move the body into that feeling of safety and connection.

Our brains have a tendency to look for the bad. Recognizing the bright side can have a beneficial impact on our mind and health. What this boils down to is that you have to be aware of what brings you comfort and peace, being mindful of the world around you and what can spark ease, relaxation, safety, connection or a feeling that things are going to be OK, even for a fleeting moment. 

You have to trust yourself to experience glimmers. Enjoy them while they last. By recognizing them you'll invite more moments of joy in your future and your light will shine brighter.

1 comment:

  1. I had not heard that term, but I can recognize the moments of - this is good - this is great.
