Friday, September 8, 2023

the friday feed: cabbage rolls {september 8, 2023}

As my friend says when she finishes a big project, Hallelujah and thank you, Jesus! 

Yesterday my cabbage roll marathon came to its end.

A couple weeks ago, we got some gorgeous, huge heads of cabbage at the farm. They were in their fresh picked state with some of the loose outer leaves on them. I had taken four cabbages out of the box, peeled the loose leaves off, and put them on the shelf. And then I heard my boss say, "Oh, no! I wanted some of the leaves left on. The cabbages look so pretty that way." She told me not to worry but I felt bad and bought those four big cabbages. 

When the cabbages made their way into my fridge, T looked at me and gave me that "what have you done" look. I nonchalantly told him I was going to make cabbage rolls...lots and lots of them. And I did, around 55 in total. Quite a few have found their way to friends and neighbors, a large pan went to a friend's celebration of life for her husband, and I believe there are 20 left in my freezer. They are labor intensive...lots of steps involved, but I enjoy making them.

In a few months, on a cold winter day when I don't know what to have for dinner, I will open my freezer for a pan of cabbage rolls, laugh at bringing four heads of cabbage home, and look forward to summertime on the farm.

1 comment:

  1. I need to find someplace around here that makes those.
