Tuesday, September 19, 2023

another virgo birthday {september 19, 2023}

Today is #4 child's 33rd birthday. He was a quick and easy delivery. He was so quick that the doctor almost didn't make it to the delivery room. The nurse assured me that she could handle this if needed but she didn't have to. Doc walked in, sat down, and pretty much out popped my little guy.

Even before he was born we had a few adventurous moments. When I was seven months pregnant my two-year old daughter climbed up the neighbor's tree and couldn't get down. What's a mom to do when her child is scared and crying? Without thinking, I just scurried up that tree to help her down. It was  easy climbing up; coming down was another story.

I called to my neighbor, "Peggy, I'm having trouble getting down from this tree."

Wide-eyed, she looked at me, and then, "John, John, Diane is stuck in the tree! Get the ladder, get the ladder! OhmyGod, OH. MY. GOD. What are we going to do?!!!" Luckily, her husband was such a calm and easy going guy, he looked at me, smiled, shrugged his shoulders,  and brought out the ladder. My daughter and I got down the tree without incident.

That's a story that still brings lots of laughs.

And my son brings me lots of laughs, too. He loves jokes, plays on words, is so witty, and has a way of making everyone feel at ease around him. 

I've watched him grow from a little rascal to a remarkable young man and now to a husband and dad. Wishing my fun and forever boisterous boy a happy, happy birthday!

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