Friday, January 3, 2025

the friday feed: ham and bean soup

The Friday Feed needs a little revamp. I enjoy food, cooking and creating with it, but sharing recipes is getting a little old. Food is integral to our lives - for our everyday meals, for energy, for our health, for social interaction, for comfort and celebrations, for memories. 

The Friday Feed will remain but with a little twist. It will be a food chronicle with a little slant: an original haiku will accompany the story. That's going to be 52 haikus from now until the end of the year. You might be thinking, haikus are easy - three lines with 17 syllables (5-7-5) - but they're not quite as easy as you think. Typically haiku are about nature and depict a specific moment in time. Mine will reflect on a personal insight based on an observation or experience from my kitchen.

The extra gift from Christmas, bean soup featuring the leftover Christmas ham. Black-eyed peas are supposed to be THE good luck bean for a New Year's meal but when your family doesn't like black-eyed peas, you substitute and make an unforgettable ham and bean soup that warms their tummies and their hearts. New Year's day was windy, gray, cloudy, with a little spit of snow. A perfect soup day.

Beans and Christmas ham

boiling in Mom’s orange pot

New Year’s comfort food.

Really good ham (Prosciutto) from Joe's Italian Deli, Little Italy, Bronx, NY. Definitely a more interesting photo than my spiral sliced ham on a cutting board.


  1. I will look forward to your creative friday posts. Foodie Friday with a twist.

    1. Thank you and I look forward to your Friday food posts, too.

  2. Very creative. My sister used to make the best ham and bean soup.

    1. It sure hit the spot and it makes tasty leftovers.

  3. Oh my how I wish
    I had a deli like yours
    to buy such fine food.

    1. Your words and kind thoughts
      made me grin from ear to ear.
      Thank you, Catalyst!
