Thursday, January 9, 2025

national word nerd day

Google any date and you can find a world or national holiday attached to it. Today, January 9, just happens to be National Word Nerd Day. 

My senior year in high school I took a class, Latin for Language Development. Miss Merilla Davis taught this class, everyone thought she was pushing 100 years old, and this woman knew everything there was to know about Latin. She was tough and had high expectations for her students to master their understanding of Latin and how it shaped the English language. She was my Spanish teacher, too, so I saw her twice a day, every single day, for my senior year. I wasn’t a glutton for punishment; I just loved the art of language and once you got to know Miss Davis, she was really cool.

A little word nerdiness for you : My name on my blog is Diaday. I’m Diane from Dayton. I studied Spanish through high school and a little bit in college. The Spanish word, "día," translates to “day” in English. So there you have it. 


  1. Clever play on words!
    I also loved languages at school and enjoyed Spanish, French and Italian, although I admit to struggling a little with Latin. I was always interested in how Latin formed the basis of so many words in our language and others.

    1. Latin formed the basis of so many words in the English language as well as the Romance languages.

  2. My interest in words and language came a little later in life, and continues.

  3. Great memories of a teacher who obviously made an impression.
