Sunday, January 26, 2025

flapping hawk

Friday night we went to the University of Dayton vs. St. Joseph's University basketball game. St. Joseph's didn't win the game but it has one of the most famous mascots in college sports - the St. Joseph's Hawk. The Hawk represents the University’s motto, “The Hawk Will Never Die,” by flapping its wings non-stop (even during halftime) throughout every basketball game and has done so since 1958.

Since 1992, the Saint Joseph's University  "Hawk" mascot position is considered a scholarship position, meaning the student selected to be the mascot receives a scholarship as part of the role. The chosen student is considered a full member of the basketball team and receives an endowed scholarship.

Can you imagine wearing this costume and flapping your wings non-stop for 2 1/2+ hours? Hope the scholarship includes a weekly shoulder massage!


  1. I hope the selected student is an academic all star.

  2. How fun! It's good they recognize the importance of that position.
