Tuesday, June 11, 2024

you dirty rat...

New York City is famous for its sights, including the giant piles of trash bags lining its streets. All of this garbage creates a 24/7 buffet for the city's rat population. It's getting bad, so bad that Mayor Eric Adams has created a position in his administration for a "Rat Czar." Another bureauc-rat!

Now a street artist, GOAT, is using the sidewalks as his canvas to show how much the rats love New York City and that their presence doesn't rat-tle him. Such a cheesy inspiration!


  1. This made me laugh. Rats are a huge problem in big cities. That artist has addressed the situation with humor. When I was working in Chicago, I saw rats run across the sidewalk in front of me several times.

  2. My daughters live in Chicago and I've seen rats in the alleys when we take walks around their neighborhoods. Periodically the city puts out rat poison and then puts signs up to notify the dog walkers that they have done this.
