Sunday, June 23, 2024

after the rain...

Last Monday a few quick storms passed through the area. I was at the farm in the morning and my boss's daughter called to say that it was pouring with some hail at her house eight miles away. It was sunny where we were. That afternoon I was home, planting some herbs, when all at once the wind picked up and rain came down. It quickly turned into buckets of rain with strong winds. A few trees came down around the neighborhood, people who were out on walks found refuge on porches, the water flowed into the storm sewers. As quickly as the storm came, it was over, and the sun came out between the clouds. The light was just right for a rainbow to form.

One woman who had been caught in the storm and had waited it out on a porch came chugging up the hill. We had a quick chat about the unexpected downpour. She asked me if I was checking for damage. 

"Nope, a rainbow. Look behind you." 

"Oh! I was getting up the hill as fast as I could and didn't notice it. Thank you, you made my day!" We chatted for a few more minutes, she then continued her walk and I went back to planting herbs.

“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.” ~ Maya Angelou


  1. How often do we miss the rainbows, looking for the damage?

  2. Such a beautiful rainbow. I'm so glad you captured it. You made my day too.
