Wednesday, June 26, 2024

wednesdays words and wonderings and wanderings

Since the beginning of March we have had construction workers at our house. It's a big project - turning an indoor pool which was filled in into living space. I love my contractors. They're German Baptists who announce their 8:00 a.m. arrival with song, clean the worksite at the end of each day, and take pride in getting the job done right the first time. Part of the project is a new kitchen 😁  The guys tore out the former kitchen soon after the project began and set up a makeshift kitchen in our dining room. I have everything necessary to have home-cooked meals: counter space, stove, microwave, fridge, and a laundry sink to wash dishes. My food pantry, dishes, and cookware are in a bedroom, my appliances are in a bathroom closet. We were just informed that the kitchen installation will begin on July 2...can't wait! Even though we use paper plates, I have missed having a dishwasher and garbage disposal. 

Working at the farmers market is a very appreciated outlet to get away from the construction disruption. Fresh air, talking to nice people, surrounded by gorgeous veggies and of course buying them to help figure out what's for dinner. Last week Taylor brought in a couple boxes of HUGE colorful peppers. One would easily need a pound of meat to make a stuffed pepper!

Couldn't resist. I bought one. Don't know what I'm going to do with it right now but I will figure something out. If you're wondering what that that orange spot is on the unfinished floor, "X" marks the spot where my new range is going and the first meal will include a some sort of veggie dish


  1. My gosh, that's a beautiful red pepper. I can think of all kinds of ways to use that.

  2. Could you split it down the middle and fill the two halves?
