Friday, June 7, 2024

the friday feed: the farmer's market

Yesterday was my first day back at my summer job, working at my friend's farmer's market. No first-day-at-the-job jitters; just lots of hellos and so good to be backs. 

This family market has been in business for over 50 years and now the 4th generation of young ones is starting to work at the farm. It's a place where familiar faces return year after year and buy their "usual" as well a try something new. There's a tree by the farm stand and the mockingbird is back, singing its song all day long. Parents bring their little ones who are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the "Kids Flowers," the two long rows of zinnias where each young customer can choose his or her flower to take home. The flowers should be in bloom in a couple weeks and then the big decision making process of which flower to choose will happen. The half runner beans fly off the shelf. People love their half runners and love to share their ways of preparing them. We sell stringless green beans, too, but the stringless buyers don't tell as many stories as the half-runner customers.

My five hour shift flew by and afterward joined the shopping ranks buying arugula, bok choy, garlic scapes, and buy one, get one free herbs. Spending the paycheck before I even have one!


  1. How wonderful, and it sounds like everything they sell, is grown there.

    1. Not everything they sell is grown there. They supplement their produce with Amish produce that is grown an hour away. Still pretty local!

  2. Such beautiful produce! I think I could find lots to buy there.
