Thursday, June 20, 2024

freeman alley

Hidden gem in New York City: Freeman Alley, where graffiti isn’t just paint on walls, but a vibrant expression of freedom. This urban art gallery is tucked into a narrow passageway off Rivington Street east of the Bowery. It ’s a destination for graffiti both for those who make it and for those who want to look at it. Even as the street art scene becomes increasingly corporate and commercial, Freeman Alley stays a treasure trove of unsanctioned artwork. While some works can last for months, many are here today and gone tomorrow. 

I enjoy public art. It adds character, personality, beauty or visual interest to a place. Part of that can be communicating ideas about a place’s values, past, hopes for the future, or its community. Plus, it's free, no fees involved, so anyone who wants to enjoy it can.


  1. Art, expression, thinking, writing, so much going on.

  2. Wow, one could spend hours looking at it all.

    1. I walked up and down the alley three times and noticed something different each time. Quite a feast for the eyes.
