Saturday, May 11, 2024

young at heart

To me young at heart can be summed up in one word:


As we age, we get the sense that we’ve been there, done that which makes life dreary and dull as we only see the same thing over and over.

Children don't have this problem. Everything is new, every experience an adventure. Being young at heart refers to having a youthful and energetic outlook on life, regardless of one's chronological age. It's about maintaining a sense of curiosity, optimism, and playfulness, as well as a willingness to embrace new experiences and maintain a positive attitude. People who are young at heart often approach life with a sense of wonder, enthusiasm, and openness to new ideas. This mindset may contribute to a more fulfilling and enjoyable life, allowing individuals to maintain a sense of joy and vitality as they age.

Jumping for joy in Dubuque, Iowa, by the Mighty Mississippi River


  1. Age is mind over matter, I don't mind, so it does not matter.

  2. My motto is: "Get out and do something". I love finding the "wonder" in new things.
