Friday, May 31, 2024

the friday feed: peanut butter and jelly

Nothing fancy...just a classic. I like mine with smooth Jif peanut butter and seedless blackberry jam.

Back in the days of fixing school lunches, PBJs were a favorite for the kids. I'd lay 8 slices of bread out on the counter, put peanut butter on 4 slices, then here came the preferences: Patrick...peanut butter, grape jelly, no crust, cut in rectangular halves. Sara...peanut butter, strawberry jam, cut in triangular quarters. Lauren...peanut butter, grape jelly, cut in triangular halves. Andrew...peanut butter, whole sandwich. Ahhh, the good ole days.

One day when I was hurrying out the door to get to school, my arms loaded with books and papers, coffee in one hand, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in the other hand, my chocolate Lab honed in on that PBJ and in one quick, graceful move, that big, lovable hunk of a dog snagged it out of my hand and it was gone in two gulps. So much for breakfast that morning.

I still like my PBJs in its classic form - peanut butter, jelly, and bread. No bananas, no marshmallow fluff, and definitely no pickles! In the photo above, we were leaving the house for a weekend wedding and once again, while rushing around, feeling my stomach growl, this classic sandwich came to the rescue.


  1. When you have honey that granulates, try a smear of that on a peanut butter sandwich.

    1. Yes, that is very good. A little bit of crunchy and lots of sweet!
