Thursday, May 16, 2024

listen more, speak less

"We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak."

This quote is attributed to Epictetus, a Greek philosopher who was a slave in ancient Rome until he gained his freedom after the death of Nero.This is a reminder to listen more and speak less. It emphasizes the importance of active listening and understanding others before expressing our own thoughts and opinions. 

T has the TV on a lot to watch and listen to his financial news programs. There are times when I shut his office door because people interrupt one another all the time and they are LOUD. They don't wait for the speaker to complete his or her thought. Drives me nuts. This happens with groups of friends, too. Again, people don't or can't wait to share his or her opinion or thoughts. They interject right then and there, stealing the spotlight from the speaker.

"Ears open, mouth shut."

This quote goes to my dad. He was a quiet and orderly man. Four kids at the dinner table could get a little raucous at times and he wanted everyone to get his or her time to speak without interruption. It was hard to take turns at times but we were taught to pay attention and be respectful to what others had to say. It's a good life skill to have.

1 comment:

  1. I know a mother and daughter who talk over each other all the time. I can only be around them a little at a time.
    Your comment about the dog barking at the Cybertruck made me laugh out loud.
