Wednesday, May 29, 2024

wednesday's words and wanderings and wonderings

Why is it…

… that people freak out when I say that I don’t Snapchat or TikTok or use chatgpt, but no one cares that I can write in cursive, do math without a calculator and tell time on a clock with hands?

…that Twitter’s new name is X, but whenever it’s mentioned in a piece of reading, it is is always referred to as "X, formerly known as Twitter"? Is that its full legal name?

…when you run a quick errand in your grubbiest clothes - out in the world at your least presentable - you’re sure to run into someone you know? Never fails for me.

…when you’re in a rush you hit every red light on the route to where you’re going but when you leave in plenty of time it’s smooth sailing to your destination?

1 comment:

  1. You have expressed a lot of mysteries that have bothered me too.
