Wednesday, January 4, 2023

wordy wednesday...coddiwomple {january 4, 2022}

Coddiwomple: to travel in a purposeful manner toward a vague destination. It’s not found in any dictionaries, supposedly a word used by hipsters, but whatever. This Boomer likes it.

When I travel I have plans and an itinerary but also leave plenty of room for the unexpected turn. My purpose is to seek adventure, have fun, laugh, explore, learn, try new things and meet new people. But I love those moments when you have no expectations of where you’re going, what is going to happen, and then serendipity. You stumble upon surprise moments and memories. This is what coddiwompling is about - having an open mind to greet new experiences. Your purpose is there, but you have no expectations of what you will find. Planning and coddiwompling - the best of both worlds to experience the world.

1 comment:

  1. Adventures are collecting memories and experiences. Adventures fuel the tales we tell.
