Tuesday, January 31, 2023

january gratitudes {january 31, 2023}

The last day of January. 1/12 of 2023 is complete. This cold, quiet month has had lots of bright spots.

❄ January 1...HAPPY 2023! I spent the day prepping our traditional New Year's Day dinner with pork, sauerkraut, beans, and greens. 

❄ My New Year's resolution: Be where your feet are. 

❄ Outside walks. Bundle up and enjoy that fresh winter air in your lungs, get your body moving and your heart pumping, and just enjoy what you see. There's a lot out there...keep your eyes open and  have a sense of wonder as you wander.

❄ Getting back to a three-times-a-week yoga practice. Good for the body, mind and spirit.

❄ University of Dayton basketball games. UD Arena is a loud, fun venue and the fans love their Flyers.

❄ I took my time to take down the Christmas decorations but did put them away on Three Kings Day. I will miss the twinkling lights, the cheery colors, and just the joy of Christmas. It was comforting to pack all the ornaments one by one into their boxes and other decorations into their bins, organized neatly and with care, and know they are ready for next Christmas.

❄ First Friday at the Front Street art galleries. There is an artist there and I love his creations. We have a large wall where one of those creations would fit perfectly. To be continued...

❄ January birthdays: my dad, my daughter, and two of my cousins who were born on the same day but different years.

❄ Little grandson turned 7 months old and he's starting to crawl! He is now closer to being one year old than he is to being a newborn.

❄ The best, jam-packed weekend in Cleveland to celebrate daughter's birthday, the family Christmas, and little grandson's baptism.

❄ Had a few guests stay at the house: my brother who lives in Tennessee was here for a few days, daughter, her fiance, and sweet old dog were here for a week. Love having extra cars in the driveway and beds filled.

❄ Took a 4-week beekeeping class. It was so informative and I learned a lot about bees and beekeeping. I'm not going to have hives in the yard but I am going to make my yard more friendly to bees and other pollinators.

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