Wednesday, June 29, 2022

wordy wednesday...fiddlesticks! {june 29, 2022}


Cussing from when I was young is so different from the words coming out of peoples' mouths today. I didn't notice people dropping the f-bomb or saying s**t or calling someone an a**hole in public. I was aware of those dirty words but would be in wash-your-mouth-out-with-soap trouble if my parents heard me say any of them. My dad told me that f*** was the worst word in the world. I rarely, rarely say it, but if I do, I feel like he will reach out from his grave and slap my mouth. 

Swearing is now part of the vernacular. What's disheartening is to hear little kids curse in public. Crimeny sakes, parents, it's not cute to hear this hooey coming out of your little angels' mouths.

What the cuss? Let's figure out how much dirty language really belongs in everyday conversations with ourselves and others.

1 comment:

  1. My father described it this way, "your mother let loose with a torrent of words that I didn't think she knew, and explained to me that she didn't like the motorhome, so she sold it and we drove the tow car home." I never heard my mother say those words, but she knew them.
