Tuesday, November 2, 2021

waning crescent moon {november 2, 2021}

This morning T told me there was a pretty view of the moon in the eastern sky. It was 7:30 and still fairly dark. In that time between light and dark, when the neighborhood was still quiet, a smiling crescent moon floated among the wispy and puffy clouds. Lovely way to greet day.

I had a really good appointment with the chiropractor today. With all the time spent in the car the last couple of weeks, my back, neck, and hips were out of alignment. He spent a lot of time stretching my back and getting my hips balanced. This time around he did a neck manipulation and got a great big crack out of it...released so much tension.

I took a walk in downtown Dayton on this lovely day. Flowers still bloom prolifically around the Sinclair campus, lazy people are still dropping chicken bones on the sidewalk, the Great Miami is running high, and the street artists found an empty spot to let passers-by know that they are loved. I also found four street pennies which bring back memories of the walks my big dog Ted and I took when we lived downtown. 


Lazy people don't change their habits

The river is up and running fast

You are loved πŸ’™

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