Friday, September 20, 2024

the friday feed: paw paws and figs

Paw Paws: A fruit native to Ohio. 

These paw paws came from one of the three trees at the farm. Pawpaw trees are the largest edible fruit trees native to North America. The flesh is pale to bright yellow and contains a network of glossy, dark brown seeds. A pawpaw's flavor is tropical: a combination of mango-banana-citrus that just doesn't seem like it should come from temperate, deciduous tree.

Figs: One of the oldest fruits eaten in the world, a fruit eaten at the first Olympic games in ancient Greece.

The other day my neighbor sent a text and said that after three years of her fig tree producing a fig or two, she had an abundance and would I like some. Yes, please! Figs fresh off of the tree, bite into the whole fruit, skin and all, what a treat! Their flavor is tropical, too, similar to the paw paw.

You just can't beat eating food that is fresh and in season. I'm going to enjoy every last bite and then look forward to next year's abundance.


  1. I don't think I had ever seen paw paw's before. Thanks for showing them. When I lived in my last house, I had a fig tree. I loved eating them.

    1. I had never had a fig fresh off the tree. Oh was delicious!
