Tuesday, September 17, 2024

gratitude 67

Oops...I must be getting old. I set my post for noon yesterday instead of midnight. But noon for September 16 was fortuitous. That's the time I made my entrance into this world.

Today is the perfect opportunity for me to shine a little light on some of the good things in life. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, helpless and hopeless during these chaotic times. For that reason it’s important for each of us to make an effort to remind ourselves of all the beauty and goodness around us, even when we’re not paying attention to it.

I am grateful for:

  1. Another birthday to celebrate. As the quote goes, “The best birthdays of all are those that haven’t arrived yet.” — Robert Orben
  2. Turning 67. Not so bad. Staying young mentally is a mindset and, except for days when I'm a little sore from exercising or after I didn't sleep well and feel tired, I get up with the intention of having a good day.
  3. My husband, who shines a light on my heart every single day. He’s my rock.
  4. My first-born son. A gift. The one who made me a mom. The one who helped me navigate parenthood as I tried to figure out first time childhood. I love his kind heart and his ability to make the best of any situation. 
  5. My first born daughter. Another gift. An independent spirit who wanted to do everything herself (and still does), who moved to big cities and made it look so easy, and has a contagious zest for life.
  6. My second born daughter. A treasure. Her gift to me is compassion and intuition. She was a sweet, quiet child but to watch her grown into an exceptionally successful business woman has brought me so much joy. In February, she and her husband blessed me with my second grandson.
  7. My second son. Another treasure. The end of the line. The one with boundless energy, a big heart, and the one who gave me the gift of grandparenthood.
  8. My daughter-in-law. A gem. She gifts me with laughter and enthusiasm for life and love.
  9. My son-in-law who loves my second daughter to the ends of the earth.
  10. My second S-I-L. An incredibly smart young man who is destined to do big things.
  11. My first little grandson. To see the world through the eyes of child renews the soul and keeps me young at heart.
  12. My second little grandson. I didn't know how strong babies were until my 2 1/2 month old grandson had open heart surgery. 4 1/2 months later he is thriving. Grateful for the team of doctors who healed my little guy.
  13. My kids’ in-laws. To know they are loved by wonderful families makes my heart happy.
  14. My siblings. Each one brings something unique to my life and is a thread in the tapestry of my life.
  15. My friends, who bring their perspectives to my life and are also a thread in the tapestry of my life.
  16. A comfortable home and the many blessings it holds.
  17. Living in the USA.
  18. The many men and women who fought, suffered and died in an effort to birth what we now have in the US.
  19. The people in all walks of life who have stood up for equality and paved the road for others today.
  20. Poets, writers, musicians and artists of all types who show us our soul.
  21. To live in a time of discovery.
  22. Comfort – running water and electricity that provides warmth in winter and cool air in summer.
  23. Rugged mountains symbolizing strength and endurance and invoke the same in me.
  24. The sweet smell of ocean tides and the rhythmic sounds of waves crashing on a beach.
  25. The enduring power of love in all of its manifestations.
  26. For rivers, streams, and spring waters.
  27. The healing power of my chiropractor…he keeps me in line!
  28. Farmers who till the soil and care for livestock day in and day out to put food on our table.
  29. For the conservation minded who have pushed us to be responsible citizens in the care of Mother Earth.
  30. And the kind-hearted souls who look after wounded animals, stray and neglected pets.
  31. For doctors and modern medicine that give hope to the sick.
  32. Modern equipment that has provided medical treatments not available before.
  33. Gardening, both flowers and vegetables. Growing beautiful flowers, growing tasty herbs this year, and getting dirt under my fingernails is satisfying. Having fun planning my gardens for next year.
  34. Going to the movie theater and getting a big tub of popcorn.
  35. The freedom to travel.
  36. Snow, sleet, rain and sun that enliven the human spirit and make things grow.
  37. The gift of darkness so we can appreciate light.
  38. A comfortable bed with soft sheets and fluffy pillows.
  39. Clocks. They help me live in a world that requires I know time.
  40. Coffee, wine and ice cream!
  41. Restaurants that provide me with an opportunity to taste foods I would not otherwise taste!
  42. Universities, colleges and schools that have and continue to enlighten generations of children and young adults.
  43. People who invest in the arts and help to create great venues to bring us live performances.
  44. For museums that help us hold onto our history.
  45. For green grass and butterflies.
  46. Bees and birds that delight while they pollinate and transport seeds!
  47. The deer who trim my shrubs and keep the rabbits and mice company.
  48. Bourbon!
  49. Personal computers that have made it possible for me to write this blog and to help me find answers to questions in no time.
  50. Washers, dryers, dishwashers, toasters, blenders, coffee makers and so many other appliances that have made our lives so much easier.
  51. My planning ahead skills and my ability to go by the seat of my pants. What a dichotomy.
  52. Rocks, stones and gems; their beauty, strength and grounding ability.
  53. Rock bands, orchestras, choruses and all who gather together to create music
  54. Listening to music with the car windows down and the radio turned up!
  55. Riding my bike. Seeing and discovering the area around me at my own pace on the neighborhood and back roads and on the bike paths. I stay away from traffic as much as I can. 
  56. My yoga practice that gives me an uninterrupted hour to myself, that keeps me flexible, that clears my mind, that makes me appreciate the world around me.
  57. My daily walks, whether it's hot or cold or windy. I love the warm/hot weather, but I've gone in the snow or rain, too.
  58. My love of cooking, having fun with food to cook healthy meals for friends and family.
  59. The renovation on our home which includes a new kitchen.
  60. Chocolate. 
  61. Traditions, holidays and time set aside for family and celebration
  62. Sitting on the patio with a fire in the Solo Stove.
  63. My job at the farmer’s market. It’s a fun job surrounded by lots of good co-workers and customers.
  64. My good health. 
  65. My spirit of wanderlust.
  66. Sunrises and sunsets. Beautiful beginnings and endings to the day.
  67. The blogs that I read. They open up new worlds and new perspectives. Lots of food for thought.

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