Wednesday, November 9, 2022

wordy wednesday...chiaroscuro {november 9, 2022}

This week's Wordy Wednesday find comes from a New York Times article,  "A Capital Draped in Darkness." Restrictions on the use of electricity have left the once illuminated streets of Kyiv shrouded in darkness and shadows after sunset. The lack of light creates moments of tension but also of beauty.

"At night, the city is a dance of darkness and light, shadow and silhouette, at times menacing and at other moments beautiful. And because neighborhoods alternate the times they have power, moving across the city can create an eerie chiaroscuro of bold contrasts between light and dark. The shifts can play tricks on the eye." (NYT, 11/2/2022).

chiaroscuro (kee-ahr-uh-skyoor-oh)the distribution of light and shade in a picture. It creates a dramatic effect.

Photo: Bill Woody

Photo: Bill Woody

Photo: Bill Woody

Photo: Me!

The streets of Ukraine’s capital, illuminated with nightlife only weeks ago, are sh

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