Thursday, November 17, 2022

we got mooned! {november 17, 2022}

10 days ago, Monday, November 7...the lunar halo was the precursor to the lunar eclipse.  

When a Ring’s Around the Moon

by Mary Jane Carr

The wee folk will be tripping,

In their silver-dancing shoon,


When the ring’s around the moon:

Curtsy to the right and left,

And curtsy to the middle - 

The finder will be fiddling

On his tiny fairy fiddle;

In and out and round about

A magic circle making:

The pipers will be piping

Till their tiny throats are aching.

Oh, few may watch the wee ones dance,

For fairy guards are spying,

And down beneath the grasses

All the dancers will be hieing;

But harken well, what time you see

A ring around the moon;

And you will hear the music

Of the wee folks’ dancing tune. 

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And then came the big sky event. November’s full Beaver Moon reached its peak illumination in the morning hours of Tuesday, November 8. In addition, the Beaver Moon plunged into a total lunar eclipse at 6:00 a.m. and then the polls opened for Election Day at 6:30. 

I was sleeping soundly until 4:45 a.m. when a pesky spam text came through. Not a happy camper. But a beautiful light was shining through the bedroom window and that took care of my pissy early morning fog. I went outside, tried to take a few pics with my iPhone (they didn't turn out very well), so I just stood on the patio watching the eclipse. The stars twinkled in the quiet morning as the moon disappeared. It was a peaceful but early introduction to the day.

Photo: Connie Post. 

My artistic friend has been experimenting with an AI photo app. She was awake for the lunar eclipse and used one of her photos as her inspiration for this creation.

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