Sunday, November 6, 2022

fall back {november 6, 2022}

 A favorite memory from the 2020 fall time change...

The "fall back" time change got my big dog Ted and me out on our early morning walk during that time in between light and dark. Before we went out the door, for whatever reason, I grabbed my big camera to take with me. Outside was so peaceful; no cars or people on the streets. The brisk air jolted me out of some brain fog: fog that came from the hour time difference, fog from thinking about my father-in-law's passing and my kids losing two grandparents in five months, fog from missing my chocolate Lab Hunter, whose soft ears were such a comfort when I was stressing out. So Ted stopped to pee and I looked up and saw the full blue moon. We weren't far from the river walk. I'm dragging Ted, bribing him with biscuits to hurry him to the path along the Great Miami so I could take a picture. We made it, Ted got another biscuit, and I snapped a few photos. This moon has me geeking out a little. There hasn't been a full moon on Halloween since 1944, it's a blue moon (2nd full moon in the same month), and it's also known as the Hunter's Moon. Call it what you will...fate, happenstance, serendipity, God wink...

You all make it a great day.


  1. Just this morning found your blog via Sophie’s Scottish Adventure. Have read and scrolled back to Sept. That almost never happens. Thanks for taking the time to share. Such a pleasure.

    Now I need to get up off the sofa or I’ll be here all day. Nell in MS
