Wednesday, October 16, 2024

wednesday's words and wonderings and wanderings


I woke up, got out from the cozy comfort of my down comforter, and thought, "Brrrrr. It's a little chilly in here." And it was. The thermostat read 63. I flipped the switch to heat and nothing. Uh oh. Went to the furnace and flipped the switch off, waited a minute, turned it back on, and nothing. Todd tried doing a couple things and the furnace wouldn't turn on. This is a brand new furnace. We called our furnace guy and he was at the house in an hour. He did his furnace guy thing and got the furnace to work.

❊ It was time to pull the parsley out of the garden and made parsley garlic butter. There was a lot of parsley still left and I remembered my mom froze parsley. It took no time to chop it in the food processor and it took me back to the days of no food processors watching Mom chop her parsley by hand. 

  At the farm, people are buying lots of pumpkins and tomatoes. Fall decorating is in full force and the customers are sensing the end of fresh tomato season. I've been buying my share of tomatoes, too. Once they're done, I'll wait until next year for the homegrown tomatoes. 

❊ This week a couple people who evacuated from Florida came to the farm. One lady is planning to go back in a couple days and she bought a lot of veggies to take back to friends and family. Another woman and her daughter spent a long time just walking around and looking at all the vegetables and pumpkins, they sat in a couple chairs looking out over the field that had been recently plowed. It was a beautiful fall day and the mom (who had evacuated from Anna Maria Island) just wanted to take it all in. The farm is a little 10 acre oasis that brings a lot of joy to people.

❊ I made an early morning trip to Kroger for some ingredients to make an apple cake. The young man monitoring the self-checkout line said, "Good morning," and I responded, "Good morning, how are you?" This opened the gates to a conversation. "Im tired. Had to be here at 6:00 a.m. and I worked until 9:00 last night. I'm so excited for next week because I'm making my last two payments on my college loans." Good for you and congratulations, young man. 

 Oh, my 2 1/2 year old grandson brought the biggest smile to my face. He named his pet rock "Diane." Rock on, little guy.



  1. The tomatos look so good. 10 acres intensively farmed and produce a lot of veggies. Diane is his Rock in more ways that one.

    1. Those tomatoes are delicious! Your last sentence is so kind. Thank you.

  2. The tomatoes sound so good. I grew up in Indiana and often think of the wonderful tomatoes my grandfather grew in our garden.

    1. Nothing like freshly picked tomatoes right out of your own garden!

  3. That furnace business is scary. I had problems last winter and the furnace guy wasn't quite a quick as yours was. Your talk of tomatoes brought be back to my home town in Illinois. My dad used to buy tomatoes by the bushel basket from a local farmer. It's almost impossible to find tomatoes that taste as good as those did.

    1. So many of today's tomatoes are grown i greenhouses and hydroponically and that makes for tasteless tomatoes.
