Wednesday, October 9, 2024

wednesday's words and wonderings and wanderings

This past week was a quiet week. It started off with getting a tooth pulled which wiped me out for a day. I didn't sleep well the night before and the tooth took a little more effort to extract than the surgeon anticipated. I waited a long time to get it removed, probably too long, but now the discomfort is gone. Onward, with a big gap at the back of my mouth that I can help rubbing my tongue over. 

Just a quick grandpa had a gold tooth and as a little girl, it fascinated me. 

"Grandpa, how did you get that gold tooth?" 

"When I was a little boy and lost this tooth, I never put my tongue through the hole and when the tooth came in, it was gold!"

It 's that time of year for pumpkins and I'm continuing the tradition of having a giant pumpkin in my yard. It will stay until Christmas and have Christmas lights wrapped around it.
A couple people have been on vacation this past week and I've been putting in a lot of hours at the farm. It's been a lot of fun with all the families picking out their Halloween pumpkins. One little boy came up to the stand and proudly pointed at his pumpkin. It was the biggest one in the wagon. "That's my pumpkin!" he said with a rascally twinkle in his eyes. His dad said that he told his little guy if he could lift this big pumpkin, he would buy it for him. The little guy had determination and no problem lifting it. 34 pounds!

It's cool to witness cultural exchanges. A Middle Eastern man brought his mother to the farm for tomatoes. One of his friends happened to be there and when they saw one another, they embraced and kissed one another on each cheek. The friend greeted the mom with a kiss on her hand, a hug, and then kisses on each cheek. Heart warming.

Every year, the Dayton Magazine has a Best of Dayton contest and Treadway Gardens was one of the nominees as Best Farmers Market. We just got the news that we won! This is the second year in a row for this honor. It's nice to know that the "little guy" is appreciated.
On a warm, breezy day, the neighboring farmer was out cutting his bean field and bean dust was blowing right at the produce stand as we had long lines of people buying their pumpkins, mum, and veggies. No complaints from anyone. People enjoyed watching something they don't normally see.
The other night, after closing up the farm stand and walking to my car, it was so quiet and peaceful. A crescent moon was rising as the sun was setting. The moon teaches that it's OK to go through phases and the sun shows that it always rises.
The cosmos that line the exit driveway at the farm are passing into their autumnal fade away. It's sad to see these cheery and wispy flowers go but there's beauty in this stage. They're dropping seeds that will increase the size of the garden and like the sun, they will be back. 


  1. Cograts to Treadway Gardens for winning the best Farmer's Market. I love seeing all those pumpkins. The only ones I've seen so far this year have been in boxes outside Trader Joe's.

    1. We have a great pumpkin display. I'll post a pic or two for you.

  2. A beautiful time of the year. Enjoy!

  3. I'm so delighted that I happened by from Sharon's post! Beautiful being in your garden and I loved your description of the greeting. Aloha to you from Honolulu!
