Friday, October 4, 2024

the friday feed: green basil

A couple Fridays ago was purple basil day and last Friday was green basil day. That was the morning the rains from Hurricane Helene made their way to Ohio. Before the upcoming deluge got too heavy, I ran out to what was left of my herb garden and pulled the two green basil plants from the ground.

At first pesto was on the radar to utilize the basil but then basil garlic butter became the plan. I already had the three needed ingredients: fresh garlic and Amish butter from the farmers market and my basil sitting in the kitchen sink. The basil got an ugly haircut and then one-by-one I picked off the good leaves, threw away a lot that had dried out, and enjoyed one last burst of summer - that scent of freshly picked basil - while the rain splatted against the windows and the winds howled.

Basil jungle in the kitchen sink!

Oh, hey, little buddy...I took him outside and put him under a bush.

A sink full of basil minimized to one strainer.

Wish I had some of those cute little glass Weck storage jars but for now the blue lid plastic Ziplock containers will have to do.


  1. And a first glimpse of the new kitchen. I call this nesting season, bringing in the bounty of summer, knowing what lies ahead.

  2. The garlic, basil butter is a great idea. It works in so many ways and will store very well. Getting that plant under control must have been quite a chore.
