Friday, November 24, 2023

the friday feed: sweet potatoes {november 24, 2023}

A little while ago my son's girlfriend wasn't feeling well and he asked if I would fix some homemade chicken soup for her. Happy to oblige. Later on she and I were texting and talking about Thanksgiving and she mentioned that she would miss having her mom's sweet potatoes at Thanksgiving. Her family isn't in town, she worked on Thanksgiving, and since she was having the Thanksgiving meal with us, I wanted to fix sweet potatoes like her mom does.

A quick text to her mom. "Hi, Wende! Kelsey will be with us for Thanksgiving dinner. She was telling me about your sweet potatoes and how she misses them. Please share your recipe or tell me how you make them because I'd love to include them with our meal. Thank you so much." In less than a minute, I received this - Grandma's handwritten recipe for Sweet Potato Casserole. A blast from the past to share on Thanksgiving. The chain of love continues.


  1. Oh my gosh, this brings back lots of memories. My mom had so many hand-written recipes that she kept tucked inside a very over-used cookbook. Even the handwriting reminds me of my mom. This is great.
