Friday, November 17, 2023

the friday feed: pepper day {november 17, 2023}

At the end of the season party for the farmer's market there was some produce that hadn't sold so our more-than-amazing bosses told us to take what we wanted. We all turned into kids in a candy store! With me cooking for two and with a limited amount of freezer and refrigerator space, I tried not to let my eyes get bigger than my stomach. The veggies came home, sat in the fridge for about a week, and then it was time to do something with them.

With the poblano peppers, I chopped them up and froze them. A poblano chicken chowder is in the future on a cold winter's day. And then a duh moment. After chopping the poblanos my eye itched and without thinking, I rubbed it. Yikes!

I froze the hot banana peppers for future use in my spicy roasted red pepper with baked feta cheese dip.

For the stuffing peppers, I used some leftover Italian sausage and hamburger and did a clean out of this and that in the veggie bin to make a mixture to stuff into the peppers. Ajvar (pronounced eye-var), a red pepper and eggplant spread was the binding for this concoction. Each pepper is individually wrapped, again to use on a cold winter day or else for a day when cooking inspiration just doesn't happen.

1 comment:

  1. I have some red peppers drying nicely in the kitchen. A little goes a long way.
