Friday, November 3, 2023

the friday feed: stale donuts {november 3, 2023}

The other night we ran out of milk. The next morning I needed milk for my coffee and T very nicely said that he would go to the store and buy some. He was gone a little longer than I thought a milk run should last. When he got home, he was pleased as punch. He got the deal of the century, a dozen donuts for $4.50. The manager's special.

I was a little speechless. I didn't say it but I sure thought it. "What the hell are we going to do with a dozen donuts?" I'm not a big donut fan, T needs to watch his carb intake. But it was such a good deal.

We got down to the last two and they were stale. What to do with two stale donuts besides throwing them away? I know they were cheap donuts and it would have been easy to pitch them but for some silly reason I didn't want to. Then the idea hit me. Donut bread pudding with a little cherry jam mixed in. Easy peasy. Milk, melted butter, sugar, vanilla, a couple beaten eggs, into the oven and voila!


  1. My thoughts exactly on what I would do.

  2. I think your donut bread pudding sounds delicious. I hope it was.
