Monday, April 8, 2024

monday's mulling: mow, mow, mow your lawn

Ahhhh, suburban lawns. Everyone knows the look of the traditional suburban lawn. The grass is short and perfectly green all over. It is that time of year where the lawns are emerging from their winter dormancy, the grass is growing and clumps are emerging. Another trait of the suburban lawn is that it has to be even. Time to get the lawn mower out! and get rid of those clumps

It's been rainy, the ground is wet, the grass has grown like crazy, and it's been over a week since the grass has been cut. T is working on taxes, he wants to get new grips on his golf clubs, has other errands to do, and he's stressing about the grass. I tell him that I'll do it.

I can cut the grass and do a good job. My dad taught his sons and daughters how to cut grass. He was very particular about the appearance of his lawn and it reflected in his meticulous grass cutting skills. When it was time for his kids to assume grass cutting duties, our lawn was going to look as good as when Dad cut it. Many years ago my brothers used to have a neighborhood lawn mowing business and if they weren't able to cut the lawns, I was their substitute. Back in that day, not many girls cut grass and I had to prove myself when I showed up at a customer's house with the lawn mower.  

I enjoy cutting the grass. As I walk back and forth, back and forth, I'm in my "zone," getting fresh air and burning calories. And that smell of fresh green grass...ahhhh!


  1. When I was growing up on the farm, we mowed almost 5 acres, I learned to drive on a little tractor. The last house in Florida was on a 1/3 of acre. A couple of years after I built that one, I hired someone to mow it, and never looked back.

  2. Enjoy that outdoor time! I haven't smelled that fresh grass smell in along time.
