Saturday, August 31, 2013


The month of August has no widely recognized holidays. Maybe the Dog Days of Summer, if anything...

There are ten national holidays in the United States. March and April have no federal holidays but they do have St. Patrick's Day, April Fools, Passover and Easter. 

From July 4th to Labor Day (a span of two months), there are NO holidays. Nothing.
Zip. Zilch. Nada.

But who needs holidays when celebrations abound?

August 2...Hubs and I celebrated 33 years of marriage! He has had this shirt FOREVER! And he wore it at the birth of each kid.

August 4...My mom's 82nd birthday. Mom and I traveled to Bald Head Island, NC, on the 4th and as we were driving to the vacation house, we passed my niece and her boyfriend, who were walking to the beach. They came back to the house all smiles and at dinner, announced they were engaged! It was a beautiful birthday present for Grandma!

August 10...Pelotonia bike ride in Columbus. This was the biggest Pelotonia yet. All proceeds go to the James Cancer Center at Ohio State for cancer research.

August 11...My in-laws celebrated their 68th wedding anniversary (they were married August 11, 1945). My father-in-law returned from his WWII service in the Pacific theater and was on a train crossing the United States to return to Ohio for his wedding. Due to delays, he almost didn't make it on time. He was also under 21 so he had to get permission from his mom to get married. Here's to long lasting love!

August 12...Our last college tuition payment EVER! Four kids...47 payments (two went to a college that was on quarters, along with a few summer sessions). 

August 19...Aviation Day. Being from Dayton, OH, home of the Wright Brothers, this one is special. By presidential decree Franklin D. Roosevelt created this day and it falls on Orville Wright's birthday.

August 26...National Dog Day. The four furry friends in my life: Hunter, Clark, Ted and Bernie.

August 30...My #3 child celebrates her 25th birthday.

Yep...from beginning to end, August life is good! 

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