Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wordy Wednesday {Walk}

On a warmish 40 degree, sunny February day in the Miami Valley, I needed to mail some letters and get my big ole dog outside to burn off some energy. Put those two things together and the answer is a walk to the post office. 

We wound up with a wealth of Ws on our walk!

War good ole Tahoe that we drove to Lincoln Park to begin our walk. dog leaps into War Horse and is so excited to be going somewhere but he whines the entire way. He's such a nervous Nellie!'s blowing hard. Flags are almost straight out.

Whoops...didn't wear a hat. Ears got bad. I would always tell my kids to dress warmly...need to follow my own advice. planned route to get to the post office; Hunter's nose created our a certain extent.

Wonder...what does Hunter smell that makes him sniff so intently? A dog's sense of smell is amazing.

Who's walking whom? dog is a happy, excitable 85 pound lab. He's a big, strong guy and usually pretty good on a leash. But today, we're going every which way to explore this new territory that offers all kinds of new sights and smells. We zig and zag from one side of the street to the other!

Waving...the green Cricket mascot was on the sidewalk to attract attention to the Cricket store - the promotion is a free car charger. How would you put this kind of a job on a resume? Public relations rep...

Worn out...we put in a good 3 miles at a pretty quick pace. 

Wet your whistle...big drinks of water for both of us when we got home! 

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