Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wordy Wednesday {Walk}

On a warmish 40 degree, sunny February day in the Miami Valley, I needed to mail some letters and get my big ole dog outside to burn off some energy. Put those two things together and the answer is a walk to the post office. 

We wound up with a wealth of Ws on our walk!

War good ole Tahoe that we drove to Lincoln Park to begin our walk. dog leaps into War Horse and is so excited to be going somewhere but he whines the entire way. He's such a nervous Nellie!'s blowing hard. Flags are almost straight out.

Whoops...didn't wear a hat. Ears got bad. I would always tell my kids to dress warmly...need to follow my own advice. planned route to get to the post office; Hunter's nose created our a certain extent.

Wonder...what does Hunter smell that makes him sniff so intently? A dog's sense of smell is amazing.

Who's walking whom? dog is a happy, excitable 85 pound lab. He's a big, strong guy and usually pretty good on a leash. But today, we're going every which way to explore this new territory that offers all kinds of new sights and smells. We zig and zag from one side of the street to the other!

Waving...the green Cricket mascot was on the sidewalk to attract attention to the Cricket store - the promotion is a free car charger. How would you put this kind of a job on a resume? Public relations rep...

Worn out...we put in a good 3 miles at a pretty quick pace. 

Wet your whistle...big drinks of water for both of us when we got home! 

Friday, February 22, 2013

Ice, Ice Baby...

The winter storm that hammered the Great Plains states did not reach my neck of the woods here in Dayton, OH. We got freezing rain and a coating of ice. My dogs slipped on the front porch as they made their first trip to the yard this morning and now they give me that "Yeah, right" look when I open the door for them to go out again. The farthest I have ventured out today was to take a stroll around the yard. The icy grass crunched as I made my way around the house and snapped some photos. Last night, in anticipation of being house-bound, I went to the grocery store and bought ingredients to make pasta e fagioli soup...comfort food for a wintery day. I have a few chores to do, a book to read on my Kindle, some letters to write, and maybe even start a hairpin lace afghan. Who says staying at home is boring?

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wordy Wednesday {The Letter "W"}

Welcome to the wonderful world of the letter "W"...and always on Wednesday!

– ♥ –

Back in the day of raising little kids, my four loved to listen to music. One of their favorite CASSETTES (I told you this was back in the day!) was from the Sesame Street gang, "Sing the Alphabet." They played this over and over and over in their cassette player and whenever we went anywhere I had to pop it into the cassette player in the mini-van. 

So for "Wordy Wednesday" the very clever lyrics that Bert sings to the National Association of "W" Lovers...ah, memories! 

"The National Association of 'W' Lovers"
Music by Joe Raposo
Lyrics by Jerry Juhl
Copyright 1973 by Instructional Children's Music, Inc.

Bert: All right, all right, everybody. Settle down. Come on now. Welcome to the weekly meeting of the National Association of "W" Lovers. We are gathered here today to pay tribute to that great letter "W" and the wondrous sound it makes..."Wuh!"

Isn't that lovely? "Wuh!" Yeah, it makes the heart pound faster. All right.

Now if you turn to page four in the manual, we will sing the club's song. 

All right, everybody, turn to page four. That's it. All right. Now is everybody ready? Here we go.

(Music starts)
I'll begin. You can join in later. Here we go.

Oh, what is the letter we love?
What sound are we extra fond of?
It's not any trouble
You know it's a "W"
When you hear "Wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh!"

Without this fine letter
You couldn't say "wash"
Or "witch," "wax," or "wiggle"
My gosh! Huh!
There wouldn't be "wet," "warm," or "walrus"
Oh wow!
There wouldn't be "wood"
Would there now? Uh-uh!
Without this great "Wuh" sound
Well, "wink" would be "ink"
And "week" would be "eek"
Don't you see? Of course.
A fine word like "waffle"
Would turn out just "awful"
Oh, "W's" grand as can be.

All: So what is the letter we love?
The sound that we're extra fond of?
It's not any trouble
You know it's a "W"
When you hear "Wuh-wuh-wuh-wuh!"

(Music ends)

Bert: Oh wow! That was wonderful! 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Have a Cookie ~

I have four kids so over the course of many years, I have had many "mom cars." My first mom car came after the birth of my son and it was a little navy blue Ford station wagon. It served its purpose to child #3 with that one. 1990 came and #4 was on his way. Time to jump on the mini-van bandwagon. Hello, Dodge Caravan. The Caravan logged lots of miles and then the kids became involved in sports which took us to out-of-town tournaments. Hello, carpools and the big ole urban war wagon, the Chevy Suburban. I LOVED that truck! Lots of miles, lots of memories in that one. Then all at once, it was time for child #1 to go to college. We decided to downsize to a Chevy Tahoe. That Tahoe has hauled each kid and his or her stuff to college, moved college furniture to storage facilities and then back to the new college residence, trekked on many Spring Breaks, and yanked a few stubborn stumps out of the ground . It's my "baby," fondly nicknamed War Horse.

Backtrack a few years. My 27th wedding anniversary, my 50th birthday, and Christmas all came within a span of 5 months. My so very thoughtful husband who loves nice cars surprised me with a fun hard-top Lexus convertible for Christmas. I am a lucky girl. It's a great car (even though way down deep I am a truck girl).

My only beef with Lexus is that service is EXPENSIVE. One of my windshield wipers broke and after calling around town to find a non-Lexus place to replace it and having no luck, I took it to the dealer. The waiting area was just lovely, the bathroom had beautiful artwork and good smelling hand soap from Bath and Bodyworks, fresh cookies on a table. It was a lovely place to wait an hour and read.

The very nice service consultant directed me to the desk to pay my bill. $78.00 to replace both wipers. 


Thanks for the cookie.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Meatless Meal {Ash Wednesday}

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Season of Lent. It is a season of penance, reflection, and fasting which prepares us for Christ's Resurrection on Easter Sunday.

One of the fasting “rules” of Lent is that Catholics abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and all the Fridays of Lent.

My first meal of Lent is risotto with Swiss chard, mushrooms and roasted tomatoes. I didn’t go to the grocery store to get ingredients to prepare this dish...just wanted to use what was in my fridge. Risotto is one of those dishes that is so versatile and easy to prepare. In Italy, risotto is cucina casalinga. Casalinga simply means home cooking. Soups, pastas, meats, vegetables–anything cooked in the house is casalinga, and usually wonderful because it’s prepared with love.

Risotto is easy to prepare and it’s not hard to make a good risotto.The only thing is that you have to stand over it for at least 20 minutes. Risotto doesn't allow shortcuts and can't be successfully prepared in advance. This is a dish that is all about real time.

To make a good risotto, use only Italian risotto rice, such as Arborio, which is the one most commonly available in American markets. The grains of this rice are short and stubby and absorb liquid without becoming gluey (unless they are overcooked). Long-grain rice produces a mushy, gummy mass.You have to stir the rice constantly, adding the stock 1/2 to one cup at a time, until it has reached a point of softness and the grains retain their shape. Do the taste test if you need to see if the rice is cooked enough.

Ash Wednesday Risotto

1 bunch of Swiss chard, stems removed and large chop
1 clove garlic, slivered
2 T. olive oil
1 package mushrooms (what was in the fridge)
1/2 package cherry tomatoes (in the fridge)
3 c. chicken or vegetable stock
2 T. olive oil (not a typo)
1 cup Arborio rice
1 cup dry white wine (Pinot Grigio from Trader Joe’s...$5.99 a bottle)
½ cup or more freshly grated Parmigiano Reggiano or cheese of choice (freshly grated cheese is a must!)
Salt and black pepper, to taste.

Roast the cherry tomatoes: Set the oven to broil. Put tomatoes on a cookie sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with salt. Put under broiler for about 5 minutes or until tomato skins burst open. Remove from oven.

In a large pan, heat 2 T. olive oil over medium heat. Saute the Swiss chard until it is soft. Add the garlic and  saute for a couple minutes. Put chard and garlic into a bowl.

Heat the next 2 T. of olive oil and add the rice. Cook over medium-high heat for about one minute, stirring to coat with the olive oil. Add the white wine and stir until the wine is absorbed.

Add the first addition of stock, about 1/2 cup. Stir until most of the liquid is absorbed. Add another addition of stock and stir until most of the liquid is absorbed. Repeat this process until the mixture is creamy and a bit loose; the rice should still have some chew to it. The process will take 20 - 30 minutes.

Turn off the heat and stir in the Swiss chard/ garlic mix and the grated Parm to taste. Season with salt and pepper. Gently stir in the tomatoes.

Ashes to Go

Ash Wednesday...the beginning of Lent for Christians. In peoples' busy, busy lives, there may not be time to take an hour out of the work day to attend a church service and receive ashes. One church has an answer: Ashes to Go.

People don't have to get out of their cars. They drive into the parking lot, receive their ashes and blessing, and go onto the next item on their to do list. The jury's out on this one...

Friday, February 8, 2013

16th Birthday Fun

My name's Diane and I love Sharpies.

Especially when I get to make signs for special occasions, like my nephew's 16th birthday.

My brother gives me the garage door code, I sneak into the birthday boy's room and have a little bit of fun... 

Happy 16th Birthday

– ♥ –

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

World Nutella Day

February 5, 2013...World Nutella Day

Seven years ago, two American expats who live in Italy and who have a passion for Nutella decided to start this celebration to unite Nutella lovers for a day. 

So on a cold, gray February day, how would I honor this marvelous chocolatey hazelnut spread? Last year I made Nutella Brownies and they were gooooooood! This year, I thought and thought and thought (thus the reason for this post coming the day AFTER Nutella Day), and decided on the good ole comfort food, bread pudding. And then the idea grew a little more...serve with creme anglaise and balsamic strawberry sauce. Without further adieu, World Nutella Day celebration 2013 ~ 

Challah Bread from Big Sky Bakery

Oh, these smell heavenly!

Cheers to World Nutella Day ~ 

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Groundhog Day 2013

February 2...Groundhog Day...When the world-famous groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, comes out of his home on Gobbler’s Knob, and a crowd watches anxiously to see if this furry Pennsylvania weather prognosticator will see his shadow. According to Groundhog Day legend, if Phil sees his shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter. No shadow forecasts an early spring.

Groundhog Day is an astronomical celebration as the Earth orbits around the sun. It takes place between the December solstice (first day of winter) and the March equinox (first day of Spring).

February 2 is also Candlemas Day, where Christian churches bless the candles for use in the church throughout the coming year. It is the feast of the presentation of Christ in the Temple when Simeon hailed him as “A light to lighten the Gentiles.” 

Immigrants from Great Britain and Germany brought the Groundhog Day celebration to the United States. This tradition can be traced to early Christians when a hedgehog supposedly looked for his shadow on Candlemas Day.

If Candlemas Day be fair and bright
Winter will take another flight,
If Candlemas Day be cloud and rain
Winter is gone and will not come again.

One more superstitious tidbit to go along with this holiday...Having your Christmas decorations up after Groundhog Day is supposed to be bad luck.

Winter is half over; thoughts turn to Spring.

Happy Groundhog Day!

PS...Phil did not see his shadow. Ah, can only hope!