Sunday, February 9, 2025

what do you see?

As a child I loved to pick up things and put them in my pockets. As an adult, I still do. The other day Todd and I took a walk and on a cul-de-sac by the golf course, I looked down and saw some little white shells. Shells on a road in Ohio? I had to pick them up and put them in my pocket. What to do with them? I don't know. It's the joy of the find.

Late last fall, after the walnuts had fallen and the squirrels had cleared out all the goodies, a half walnut shell caught my eye. When I saw it on the road, it looked like a heart so into my pocket it went. I like to find heart shapes in nature. It sat on my kitchen windowsill for a while along with some other knick-knacks. 

The other day I picked it up and looked at one side of the shell and then the other. Look and see what your imagination brings to mind. My thoughts are below.


On the left, I see an owl's face - on the right, a skeleton's face.


  1. That's what I saw too...before I read your final line!

  2. I see the face of a chipmunk on the left and someone peeking through a hole in the second. However, I can see both of your images clearly.
