Thursday, February 20, 2025

one more month

The countdown is on. In 29 days (March 20), we will say hello to the first day of Spring! 

Thank you to Catalyst at Oddball Observations for the contribution.



  1. A friend of ours in Chicago has the best idea, he is about to board the second two week cruise in the caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. How does he cope with winters? Getting away for a month or more of it.

    1. I have a friend who does that, too. Maybe look into that for next winter!

  2. We thought Spring had arrived this afternoon but, nope, it's gone again.

  3. Our temperatures are climbing. Should be into the 70's by Sunday and early next week. But beware the Ides of March! Blizzards can and have come then, even here in Arizona.
