Friday, December 9, 2022

morning walk {december 9, 2022}

This morning T was on a phone call and after being a captive audience to an hourlong conversation with FNMA about housing as we drove to Chicago, I really didn't want to hear anymore about mortgages, financing, and whatever else comes along with this unprecedented time in the mortgage banking world.

Off for a walk around Lincoln Park.

I love this neighborhood. There's artwork on buildings, sidewalks are bustling with people walking to their destinations or walking their dogs, the architecture is different from one home to another, the "L" winds its way through Lincoln Park as it rumbles along the tracks, the Chicago skyline is in view from the big green space in Oz Park, right now Christmas decorations adorn front porches and fences, smells from food cooking waft from restaurants and back porches. This neighborhood teems with life that you can see, hear, feel, smell, and taste. It's a feast for the senses. On one hand I am an outsider looking in at all that's going on around me. On the other hand I am full-fledged immersed in the life that's around me.

Sides of buildings and tucked away in alleys. DePaul University, the largest Catholic University in the US, is in Lincoln Park. A little ironic that its mascot is the Blue Demon?
Strong support for Ukraine in Chicago. This display made me think of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra's powerful piece, "Christmas Eve/Sarajevo."
Clickity-clack, whoosh. The train speeds over the streets and between homes on the elevated track system. The noise is part of the rhythm of the city.
"I love Paris in the winter when it drizzles..."

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