Thursday, December 22, 2022

a walk in the park {december 22, 2022}

Brrrrrrr-mageddon is supposed to roar in tonight so for the past few days I've taken advantage of the mid-30s temps to enjoy some outdoor walking. Fingers crossed to get one more walk in today.

I love walking, especially in the area metroparks. I'm away from the house, in a calm and quiet environment that takes me away from everyday "stuff" for an hour or so. I love walking on the trails. I was one of those kids who stuffed "treasures" into my pockets and that continues to this day. One thing I like to come across are rocks that are shaped like hearts. I don't consciously look for them; they show up unexpectedly. My heart rocks are in a little jar on my desk. Anyway, on my last walk, I found a heart rock lodged under a root. The sun was on its way down and I was determined to take it home with me. I found a stick to loosen the dirt to pull it out and its new home will be in a pollinator garden that I'll plant this spring.

Going to the parks gets people away from the concrete that's everywhere and from the screens that we seem to live by. When I hike, I have my phone with me but it's on silent. I use it to take pictures, no talking or texting. We miss a lot when the phone's on your ear or your eyes are on the screen.

I would love to know the story behind this cairn made from the old southeastern Ohio paving bricks that line some of the ditches in the park.

I was inside, looking outside...

A reflective time ~ 

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